Розен Таня

Розен Таня

Residential, commercial, investment real estate.

With a passion for Real Estate and over 15 years of experience involving residential and commercial real estate, I offer my clients top-notch negotiating skills and in-depth knowledge of Real Estate transactions. I research and follow the market to anticipate all possible outcomes to stay ahead and act quickly. I diligently walk my clients through buying and selling process to take the pressure off and make it as enjoyable as possible. I truly believe that with the right information, investing in Real Estate can be one of the best decisions of your life. My secret is experience, preparation and patience. Rest assured - I will get the job done!


7 - 5160 Explorer Drive, Mississauga, ON, L4W 4T7, Canada

Office: 905-629-1515

Cell: 416-529-0148



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