Atlantic Medical

Лечение позвоночника и суставов

Pain management clinic of Doctor Miron Fayngersh, specializing in spine and joint disease. Doctor Miron Fayngersh performs invasive pain treating procedures such as neural blockades and joint injections, that are performed strictly under guidance of a special x-ray unit which allows him to precisely deliver a small amount of anti-inflammatory medication to the diseased site. The main advantages of this method are precision of delivery and a smaller amount of medication used; thus, the therapy is highly effective and there is a minimal incidence of side effects. Блокады, обезболивающие и противовоспалительные уколы, раннее проводимые только в условиях госпиталя, теперь доступны в комфорте и уюте медицинского офиса под руководством доктора, опытного специалиста по борьбе с болью.


Мирон Файнгерш


Сегодня с 10:00 до 17:00


745 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY, 11230, U.S.A.




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