Education Plus Center

Индивидуально разработанные программы для каждого ученика по математике и английскому языку. 2-12 классы. We are 25 years in teaching !!! We wish ALL THE BEST to our students and their families !!! After school program for 2-12 graders. Serving Brooklyn and Staten Island, New York since 1988. We offer classes in Mathematics, English for 2-12 graders. For High School students we offer additional classes in Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Essay Writing. There are special test preparation classes for: Junior High Schools - Mark Twain, Bay Academy, special programs in other schools in New York, New Jersey; High Schools - Hunter, Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech, Staten Island Tech, special programs in other schools in New York; SAT I - Mathematics and English; SAT II - different subjects.


144 Avenue T, Brooklyn, NY, 11223, U.S.A.




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